G. C. Jeffers

Story, Beauty, and a World that Means

Happy Independence Day

uc06330Happy Independence Day! To celebrate, Abilene had fireworks LAST night (go figure, it’s Abilene . . .) Anyway, it was a lot of fun at the park with our new dogs and our good friends.

As I wrote at the end of this last election cycle, I am truly thankful to live in the oldest democracy in the world.

The United States of America, however problematically begun, has been a successful experiment in freedom. Like every actor, it holds to an ideal (liberty and justice for all) that it frequently fails to meet (imperial tendencies abroad, systemic injustices and abridgement of freedom at home).

I love my nation. And, like all love for another, I want the best for my nation. I think my love requires that I push, challenge, and cajole the nation toward the ideals toward which it strives. Uncritical allegiance is not love; it is blindness.

I leave you with two songs by Derek Webb that sum up my feelings today:

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About Me

Gregory C. Jeffers
Anglican Christian | Husband | Father | Teacher | Scholar | Poet


